Our open social leagues are meant for those curlers who like to mix the sport of curling with socializing. Typically teams are comprised of two men and two women, but other combinations are accepted. We have a range of newer curlers as well as some who have curled longer. Some curlers use a stick and others use the traditional delivery from the hack, and either is totally fine. Sometimes we keep score and sometimes not!
If you are a single or couple but don’t have a team, not to worry let us know and we will find you a team and hopefully some new friends. No matter which night you choose the objective is to have fun and enjoy the sport of curling.
Abbotsford Curling Club offers three adult social leagues:
- Monday Open Social – draw time 6:30 pm
- Wednesday Open Social – draw time 7:15 pm
- Friday Mixed/Open Social – draw time 6:30 pm
With more teams we may create a second draw on some of the evenings, which could adjust start times.