Thank You Volunteers!

Thank you to the following committee members that helped make the 2021 BC Seniors Championships a successful event!

Archie Radowitz – Name cards, leaderboard, documented scores

Kitchen staff led by Allyson Hambly

Office, 50/50, online scoring – Darlene McLaren

George Peary – opening ceremonies

Don Truscott – co-chair – helping me organize timers and supervisors, ice maintenance, housekeeping and fixing anything that needed fixing!

Finally, a huge thank you to all the great volunteers!

Debi Sand


2021 BC Seniors Championships – Organizing Committee
2021 BC Seniors Championships – Organizing Committee
Thank You to All Our Volunteers!

March 2021 Update from the Board

I hope that everyone has made it through this winter, a winter like no other. It has been a long grind, often isolated from family and friends with nothing much to do. Netflix, crossword puzzles and internet meetings can only carry us so far and spring is a welcome light on the horizon.

As the extensions of the COVID-19 restrictions continued, the closure of the club in mid- November has proven to be a prudent decision. It was a difficult choice but the right thing to do. While I am sure some of our members have contracted COVID-19, I am thankful that no cases can be attributed to the curling rink.

The Board wants to thank Kent for generously agreeing to reduce his management contract for the last 5 months of this year. While his time has also been reduced, the lull has given him an opportunity to review and work with the Board on our sponsorship and membership programs, revamp our online registration package and plan our activities for next year. It has been time well spent.

We also want to thank those curlers who were able to donate the unused portion of their fees to the club. These two sources of funds helped us to limit this year’s losses as we had ongoing expenses for power and heat
and loss of income from fees, bar revenues, events, and bonspiels. The contingency fund is untouched and there is money to fully repay both of the CEBA grants we received from the Federal government.

We will have sufficient funds to open the club next September. For all the details, plan to attend the AGM on September 22. The Board and the Management team have been very frugal.

We are planning to have a normal curling season next year. After the last two up-dates from the PHO, I am much more positive that this can happen. There may still be some restrictions, but it seems we should all have our vaccination by late summer. There may still be some things we need to do but we are pretty good at adapting to changing conditions. After a year of no curling, we are hopeful that our membership will return in full force and will bring their friends and neighbours with them.

Kent has planned for full leagues and allowed for new league opportunities. He has planned a full calendar of events with club bonspiels and fun activities of all kinds, Curl BC championships, and open bonspiels. It
will be a busy year. We will need a lot of volunteers. We will have opportunities to replenish our coffers and to plan and complete further club improvements. I look forward to our planned opening on September 23.

The calendar of events and the list of Bonspiels and dates are posted on the web site.

Stay tuned for further information.

On behalf of the Board of Directors, we wish you good luck with your vaccination and a wonderful sunny spring!

Take Care and Be Safe!

Gord Wallington
President ACC

Curling is Back Nov. 22!

Hi All Abbotsford Curlers,

We hope everyone is staying safe and healthy during these difficult times.

The curling club BOD has decided to open back up for curling on Sunday November 22, subject to any changes in the PHO order.

The changes we are implementing are:

  1. Changing / splitting draw times to accommodate social distancing.
    a. Games on sheets #1,3,5 will start at original scheduled draw time.
    b. Games on sheets #2,4,6 will start 15 minutes after the scheduled start time. Please DO NOT arrive more than 15 minutes before your game time.
  2. Maximum 24 people allowed in the lower lounge at one time.
  3. Masks mandatory on the ice.
  4. Bar will be open starting Monday night.
  5. Game will be over after 2 hours or less.
  6. Anyone living outside the Fraser health region can NOT play at this time.
  7. Monday doubles games will all start at 6pm as scheduled.
  8. League reps will be in contact with all of the players to confirm game times and rules.

We would like to know if anyone will NOT be returning so we can plan the curling schedule accordingly. We completely understand for those not wanting to return to curling and we know there are some people who do want to curl as well.

So anyone who will NOT return to curling please respond to Everyone else I will assume will be returning. See you all next week.

If anyone has any questions please email the office.

Stay Safe everyone !!!!!

Kent & Della

Individual or Team Lessons

NEW Individual or team lessons are now available on Wednesday nights for 1 hour from 6 to 7 pm. We are offering a special introductory rate of $10 per player for a 1 hour session with a certified instructor and use of the newly purchased “ROCKHAWK” timing device.

ROCKHAWK delivers data on rock timing and speed to improve your delivery and weight accuracy. You will improve your consistency and optimize your practice time by providing immediate timing and speed feedback. Designed for the novice and professional curlers ROCKHAWK will raise your game to the next level.

Book now and reserve your spot by emailing the office at