Happy Easter Everyone !!!
Hope everyone is doing well and staying healthy & safe during these challenging times. We have no reported cases of anyone from the club having the Covid-19 virus so this is great news but if anyone has any other news they want to share with the club please send us an email. I have heard from the Masters curling club president Gord Wallington and he has confirmed all of their members are feeling fine, other than being bored, and doing their part of self isolating and distancing. I am sure there will be lots of clean houses and yards this spring.
The club as you all know is closed but we are doing well. The ice is out and the floor is clean, ready for any city testing or services. We finally received the New Horizons grant from the government in the amount of $23,000. We applied for this grant last summer to fund some club projects. We have completed the installation a new PA system thanks to Sapphire Sound and Geoff Beulens for making this happen. The next project will be to replace the remaining kitchen counters & cabinets as well as a new dishwasher. We will look at having this done over the summer and ready for the fall. The city is planning to replace the windows in the upstairs lounge as well.
The club financials look promising again with the club keeping in the black and projecting a small net income come year end on May 31. Once this pandemic is under control I will be in touch with everyone to see who is still planning on curling in the fall. As of now we are still planning on starting in September but will keep you posted with regular emails.
Hope everyone is staying healthy and keeping their distance.
Take care everyone !!!
Kent & Della