
AMCC 2019 Cancer Drive

In the Fall of 2019, our Abbotsford Masters Curling group – Mondays and Wednesdays – conducted their annual Cancer fund raising drive. Our members gave generously – $2580, to The BC Cancer Foundation. Not quite what we contributed last year, but still a good showing. Due to the Masters Curlers endeavour, The Ledgeview Tuesday Ladies contributed an additional $1000 to The BC Cancer Foundation. Thank you Ladies.

With so many people we know that have cancer, we are pleased we can contribute, in a small way; to perhaps ease the pain and discomfort suffered by many.

A heartfelt “Thank You” to all the contributors.

— Vern F., Head of 2019 AMCC Cancer Drive

AMCC Cheque Presentation to the BC Cancer Foundation
The BIG Cheque! Thanks to all our donors.