Welcome to a new season!
Open / practice ice will be available on:
- September 12 – 14, 9:00am to 9:00pm
- September 18 – 22, 9:00am to 9:00pm
Registration is open online: https://abbotsford.curling.io/en/leagues
Welcome to a new season!
Open / practice ice will be available on:
Registration is open online: https://abbotsford.curling.io/en/leagues
Hi All,
I wanted to thank everyone for another fun and successful year at the curling club. Special thanks to Nic Hoffard and Kevin Kostuk for helping me with the ice so I could get away to Hedley and spend time with the family, to Darlene Mclaren for assisting me in the office, pro shop, bar and making sure everyone had paid there dues, Paula LeSage for looking after the Monday, Wednesday night leagues and the junior program, and of course Linda Wilmott for making sure the bar was well stocked and everyone was well served. I will be back in the fall but this time with Della helping out in the bar and office, etc. The ice is almost out now and I will be leaving in 2 weeks for our vacation to Nashville, Memphis and the Kentucky Derby, yeeehaaa.
The Golf Tournament is taking place on Sunday, May 7 at Fraserglen Golf Course. Tee times will start at 10am in a best ball / scramble format. Registration and payment is on line at the link: https://abbotsford.curling.io/en/competitions
We are still in need of volunteers for the 55+ games curling events being held at the Abbotsford Curling Club from August 22 to 26. If anyone is interested please contact George Peary at: georgepeary@shaw.ca
Registration is filling up fast for the Academy of Curling we are hosting on September 15 to 17. There is limited space ( clinic #2 is now sold out ) so please register soon to assure your entry. This year’s clinic will be run as two 1.5 day clinics with both clinics covering the same material and skill set. There will be no banquet this year. Registration is online at the link: https://abbotsfordcurling.com/academy-of-curling-2023/
Thank you all for supporting the raffle in memory of Bob Fatkin. The raffle sold out and raised $2,790 which was matched in donation by Bob’s generous wife Diane Fatkin for a total of $5,580 to support junior and novice curling. These funds will help both programs for many years to come.
That is all for now. Have a Great summer everyone.
Kent & Della Bird
The Abbotsford Curling Club runs on an army of volunteers. Every year as the season ends, the Board invites our volunteers to a Thank You Luncheon.
Here is a photo of our fearless leaders. Current club President David Primrose is flanked by his predecessors – Gord Wallington and Art Heppner. These gentlemen are the ones who guide our ship with dignity and humour.
Our sport is co-educational and multigenerational. These lovely ladies – Beth Loney and Carole Parisotto – add value to our club by teaching in our instructional program and operating our modest club kitchen. It really is utilitarian approach – from each according to her abilities and to each according to her needs. As Cindy Lauper sang, “Girls Just Want to Have Fun!”
Rick, Jack and Brian enjoyed the game before lunch. We were given some very sparse clues and challenged to write a short phrase that captured the essence of our club. The game was designed by Tina, but it lost something in translation when Paula tried to replicate it. Nevertheless, it did make for some interesting discussions.
Mike Desante found a couple of charming tablemates for lunch. Paula Lesage and Tracy Sherman joined Mike as they worked on the word game before lunch was served. This trio invests many hours in teaching in our instructional programs and participating in our leagues.
A big “thank you” to Board Member Terry Dickson for all of the work that she did in putting this exceptional season-ending activity together! It won’t be long before we are enjoying the warm sunshine and pleasurable outdoor activities. However, we will all be back in late August to welcome visiting curlers to our club as a part of the BC 55+ Games!
24 teams, made up of men’s, women’s and mixed teams, participated in the annual ACC Stick Bonspiel
held on March 4 and 5th . They each played 5 – 6 end games over the day and half event, collecting $10
for each game they won. Numerous prizes including gift certificates were handed out during each day
with a significant 50/50 prize being awarded at the end of each day. By all accounts everyone had a
great time.
The winning team, Desante/ Davis from Abbotsford, defeated the Moe/Skinner team from Peace Arch,
in a close game in the final and collecting the $100 first prize. Prize money was awarded to teams
finishing in 2nd to 8th place. The Bonspiel also featured a “Draw to the White Spot” where all teams had
an opportunity to draw to the button for a chance to win a $100 White Spot Gift Certificate. A team
from Langley, Terry McCarthy and Bill Cole emerged victorious defeating a team from Abbotsford and a
team from Chilliwack in the finals.
The ACC executive who organized and sponsored the bonspiel had as their primary goal “lets make this a
fun event”. It can be said they more than met that goal. Many people including our 8 out of town
teams, indicated that they would be back next year. The lunch provided by the volunteers led by Allyson
was superb as usual. Archie did his usual bang-up job as Draw Master. The ice was great. In all this was
a most successful event.
Check out the photo gallery on the bonspiel page: 2023 Stick Spiel
Zone 3 Curlers wanting a chance to participate in the 2023 55+ BC Games in Abbotsford in August must register for play downs with Zone 3 Ice Curling and Sturling Coordinator, Karen Lepine, by February 28. Email her at zone3icecurl@55plusbcgames.org
Congratulations to our Mixed Bonspiel winners! Thank you to all the curlers, volunteers, and organizers for a great event!
A Event Winners
Team Jones
B Event Winners
Team Weiss
C Event Winners
Team McInnis
We are offering curling instruction, available to all ACC curlers.
As you may already know, our curling facility is in partnership with the City of Abbotsford. We lease the land and building from the City and we are responsible for the maintenance of the building interior and ice plant. Last week, the City launched a community survey online through their website and are looking for feedback from our members and the residents of Abbotsford on their Draft Arena Strategy.
Basically, the City has taken an inventory of all arena facilities in Abbotsford and their age, capacity, and long-term demand for activities. The area population is approximately 160,000 and the City is predicting that it will increase to 200,000 over the next 20 years. Significant investment will be required over this period to meet an increased demand.
Our Curling Club has a vested interest in the City’s plans for the future. At this time our Board is requesting that you participate in the City’s survey. It is only 8 questions and should only take 5 – 10 minutes. We believe that it is important that we have as many participants as possible do the survey.
Begin by going to the City website letstalkabbotsford.ca and click on Arena Strategy – Survey. There you will see the basic strategy stages and the 9 action plans. For more information I recommend that you click on “Draft Arena Strategy”. This is very interesting background reading with lots of photos. Pay particular attention to pages 19 – 21 as there you will see how immediate, medium-term and long-term strategies for future curling are addressed. Curling is certainly one of the major components of the strategy.
Next, go back to the Arena Strategy page and click on “Take Survey” at the bottom of the page. You then have to “Register” (or “Sign In” if already registered for Let’s Talk Abbotsford).
The deadline for submitting the survey is January 17, 2023. So please find a bit of time between all the Christmas and New Year festivities to provide your feedback to the City of Abbotsford.
Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and Good Curling in the New Year!
David Primrose,
Elvis was a hit at the Cashspiel! He’ll be back on Jan. 14, 2023 for a club fundraiser. Tickets will be $25 per person, available for purchase starting Nov. 1 at the club office or bar.
You will learn how to implement a gym floor curling program for your classroom and your school, called Rocks and Rings. It is an easy to implement and very engaging program for your PE classes.
You will also have a chance to try curling on the ice for yourself. It will be a fun and engaging time and your students will love the program.
Click the links below to register for either the morning or afternoon session:
Dress warmly in layers, bring gloves, and clean running shoes.
Come prepared to laugh, learn and HURRY HARD!!!