Volunteer Luncheon

The Abbotsford Curling Club runs on an army of volunteers. Every year as the season ends, the Board invites our volunteers to a Thank You Luncheon.

Here is a photo of our fearless leaders. Current club President David Primrose is flanked by his predecessors – Gord Wallington and Art Heppner. These gentlemen are the ones who guide our ship with dignity and humour.

Our sport is co-educational and multigenerational. These lovely ladies – Beth Loney and Carole Parisotto – add value to our club by teaching in our instructional program and operating our modest club kitchen. It really is utilitarian approach – from each according to her abilities and to each according to her needs. As Cindy Lauper sang, “Girls Just Want to Have Fun!”

Rick, Jack and Brian enjoyed the game before lunch. We were given some very sparse clues and challenged to write a short phrase that captured the essence of our club. The game was designed by Tina, but it lost something in translation when Paula tried to replicate it. Nevertheless, it did make for some interesting discussions.

Mike Desante found a couple of charming tablemates for lunch. Paula Lesage and Tracy Sherman joined Mike as they worked on the word game before lunch was served. This trio invests many hours in teaching in our instructional programs and participating in our leagues.

A big “thank you” to Board Member Terry Dickson for all of the work that she did in putting this exceptional season-ending activity together! It won’t be long before we are enjoying the warm sunshine and pleasurable outdoor activities. However, we will all be back in late August to welcome visiting curlers to our club as a part of the BC 55+ Games!