2023 Stick Bonspiel

24 teams, made up of men’s, women’s and mixed teams, participated in the annual ACC Stick Bonspiel
held on March 4 and 5th . They each played 5 – 6 end games over the day and half event, collecting $10
for each game they won. Numerous prizes including gift certificates were handed out during each day
with a significant 50/50 prize being awarded at the end of each day. By all accounts everyone had a
great time.

The winning team, Desante/ Davis from Abbotsford, defeated the Moe/Skinner team from Peace Arch,
in a close game in the final and collecting the $100 first prize. Prize money was awarded to teams
finishing in 2nd to 8th place. The Bonspiel also featured a “Draw to the White Spot” where all teams had
an opportunity to draw to the button for a chance to win a $100 White Spot Gift Certificate. A team
from Langley, Terry McCarthy and Bill Cole emerged victorious defeating a team from Abbotsford and a
team from Chilliwack in the finals.

The ACC executive who organized and sponsored the bonspiel had as their primary goal “lets make this a
fun event”. It can be said they more than met that goal. Many people including our 8 out of town
teams, indicated that they would be back next year. The lunch provided by the volunteers led by Allyson
was superb as usual. Archie did his usual bang-up job as Draw Master. The ice was great. In all this was
a most successful event.

Check out the photo gallery on the bonspiel page: 2023 Stick Spiel